Free Yourself
Posted by Diana Ainebyoona on
Last weekend I had a relative’s function to attend upcountry and I contemplated on whether or not to go because I have two young children and the live-in househelp that I had for 5 years left suddenly two weeks ago. Being a close relative, I felt that I needed to work out a way to attend this function. I had a chat with my husband and eventually we agreed that he stay behind with the kids and I would go. This meant that it would be just him and the kids ALONE. Scary if you ask me. I began to...
A Diligent Heart - A Story about Joseph
Posted by Diana Ainebyoona on
Joseph was a man sold into slavery by his brothers because they were jealous of the favouritism he was shown by his father Jacob. He ends up at Potiphar’s house and because God’s favour was upon him, he worked diligently for Potiphar that he was promoted to the head of his household. Potiphar also did not concern himself with any of the work that was under Joseph’s care because Joseph did an outstanding job. (Genesis 39) Under unfortunate circumstances Joseph ended up in prison because he would not give in to Potiphar’s wife’s seduction. In prison he was put in...
Teaching kids to love...
Posted by Diana Ainebyoona on
We have been talking about the subject of LOVE and 1 Corinthians 13 tells us quite clearly what love is. In a world that is throwing so much information at our kids, kids are so busy with many programs and activities, how can we ensure that we are building their character to be loving to all people? I will share a few thoughts. Set an example. This is as old as it gets. If our children can witness us being loving towards those in our homes as well as out of our homes they will most likely behave the same....
Posted by Diana Ainebyoona on
With only a few days to Valentine’s day, we will continue our sharing on the subject of love. Last week we looked at love being evident in our patience and kindness to others. This week we will look at what love is not from 1 Corinthians 13:4b-6. What behaviours reflect a lack of love? Let’s take a look… This portion of scripture says…” It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps not record of wrongs. Love does not delight in...
Posted by Diana Ainebyoona on
It’s the Month of February. Welcome to the month of love. World over, we will see more of the colour RED in celebration of St. Valentine’s day. Whether or not you choose to celebrate Valentine’s day, it will not go unnoticed. At Ruby’s Gift Store we are joining the craze by sharing in our blogs this month on what love looks like according to 1 Corinthians 13. This love is not confined to marriage but all relationships. Love is patient and kind. 1 Corinthians 13:4a We have heard that love is a verb, meaning it’s in the actions that we...