Women’s Day gifts


Posted by Diana Ainebyoona on

Uganda celebrates her 59th Independence day Anniversary on the 9th of October 2021. Happy Independence day to all Ugandans.  As we draw near this day, I have been thinking about the true meaning of freedom. The freedom we enjoy in Christ.

According to the dictionary, freedom is defined as the power or right to act, speak or think as one wants. But, is this really so? 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.” And so, if we do not belong to ourselves but to Christ, how then can we be free when we do whatsoever we wish?

A definition of freedom that resonates with the teachings of the Bible is we do as we ought to do, as Christ tells us and leads us to do and not anything we so wish. True freedom starts with Christ. John 8;36 says, “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed”. When we accept Christ as Lord and Saviour of our lives, He releases us from the bondage of sin, giving us a new Spirit that desires to do His perfect will in our lives and obey His commands.

Apart from Christ, sin holds us captive to walk lives that are less than God’s best for us. As we submit to Christ, we are delivered from slavery to sin and walk in the power of Christ to choose righteousness.

Have you found this freedom? Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and this freedom will be yours. Freedom to love the unlovable, to forgive the unforgiveable, to give the ungrateful, to protect the vulnerable and to fight for justice. All this is possible in Christ and this is TRUE FREEDOM.




  • Well done Diana on this first blog. What a wonderful message about true freedom in Christ.

    May God keep using you.

    Justine on

  • Great insights in true freedom in Christ! Thank you

    Rachel Atukunda on

  • Amen and indeed true freedom is only found in Christ.
    In Isaiah 61:1-4, we see that the world is full of bad news, captives to sin, broken hearted, prisoners of darkness, there is mourning , despair and grieving everywhere, nations and cities are in ruins. There is poverty, wars , Ignorance and disease. Surely which nation can say they are independent?
    Only in Jesus can we find true and lasting freedom.

    Banyenzaki Barham on

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