New Arrivals

The First Christmas

Posted by Diana Ainebyoona on

Christmas is exactly 2 days away and it’s the most WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR. It truly is. It is the day we celebrate the birth of our Saviour, our Messiah, our Forever King.  It is easy to get caught up in the gift giving, parties, eating and drinking but we ought to keep reminding ourselves that Christmas is really a celebration of Jesus, the reigning King.

Why did He come? Long before the First Christmas, long before the creation of the world, Jesus existed (John 1:1). He lived in Heaven with God, the Father. When sin entered the world through Adam and Eve, God made a promise that He would send one to redeem mankind and restore our relationship with Him (Gen 3:15). Over the course of several years, God sent several prophets (Isaiah, Micah) to reassure His people that the Messiah would come. Even though God’s chosen people turned their hearts from Him, God would keep His promise.

How did He come? Finally, it was fulfilled when Mary conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and bore this child in Bethlehem one starry night (Luke 2:6-7). They were visited by wise men from the East and shepherds who had been directed by God, another fulfillment of prophecy. Even though Herod sought to kill Him, God protected him (Matthew 2:12-16).

How should you respond? We are all sinners (Romans 3:23), unable to please God on our own, unable to pay the price of our sin to redeem ourselves (1 John 2:2). God provided a way out through Jesus. This is why we celebrate Him; because He paid the price that we would never have been able to and now we have the assurance of eternal life. This is the greatest gift that you can give another person this Christmas. Share the good news of Jesus with someone. Help them know that there is One who came to give them life and life eternal. This is by far the greatest gift you can give this year.

Blessings in Christ


  • The Christmas story is really the Gospel story. WOW!! So well presented! Thank you and Merry Christmas!

    Patricia on

  • Thank you for the reminder

    We are often forgot the reason and concentrate on other things.

    Essy on

  • Yeah, true it is important for us to remember the reason for the season

    Christine on

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